11 tips for Better Candid Photography

11 Tips for Better Candid Photography

Below are a number of tips to help photographers improve their ‘candid’ photography. Please note that these tips are not about taking sneaky, voyeuristic or true paparazzi shots (ie photographing people without their permission) but rather about how to add a more candid feel to the shots you take of people that you know.

1. Take your Camera Everywhere

2. Use a Long Zoom

3. Kill the Flash

4. Shoot lots

5. Position Yourself strategically

6. Photograph People Doing things

7. Photograph People with People

8. Shoot from the Hip

9. Mix up your Perspective

10. Frame Images with Foreground Elements

11. Take Posed Shots into Candid Territory

Visit the site to read all the information. Some very good pointer there

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