We just launched an Art News Blog on where we will continue to post articles (with images) on International Surreal Art Oddities, Strange Art and Artists we stumble upon, Upcoming Exhibitions, Publications, Sculpture, Paintings, Drawings, Animation, Art history, Reviews, Interviews, YouTube footage and much more. Our articles will mainly focus on news pertaining to our featured Artists (226 and counting), but we will also featuring random Art found on the web.
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INSIDE ArtZine (founded in 1990) is a glossy Underground & Lowbrow Art magazine from Germany which has featured artists on along with many exceptional artists previously unknown to me. Over all I was very impressed with the quality content and creative layout of this dark and gruesome journal. I was also proud to have introduced Jenzzz to the work of Karl Persson (a close friend of mine) and license Karl's work to be published in Issue 11 (with Karl's permission of course) as well as contributing a photo of one of my own Toddlerpedes for the "Are you still playing with dolls?!" double page spread.
INSIDE Artzine #11 Underground Art Magazine
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